Restarting Motion with Pipe Network

An advantage of the Pipe Network is to minimize machineClosed The complete assembly of all connected parts or devices, of which at least one is movable. downtime and reduce material waste when a non-fatal error occurs. After stopping the motion with MLAxisStop command, it can be restarting by using the MLAxisReAlign function blockClosed A function block groups an algorithm and a set of private data. It has inputs and outputs..

  • MLAxisReAlign must be called after the MLAxisStop command, otherwise all motion commands are ignored

For each axis:

Step Example Application Code

Check Axis Status

AxisStatus := MLAxisStatus(PipeNetwork.AXI_A1_Axis);
IF AxisStatus.6 THEN
   StepCounter := 1;

Turn axis back on (re-enable)

IF MLAxisPower(PipeNetwork.AXI_A1_Axis, PowerUp) THEN
   StepCounter := 2;

Calculate positionClosed Position means a point in space which is described by different coordinates. Depending on the used system and transformation it can consist of a maximum of six dimensions (coordinates).This means three Cartesian coordinates in space and coordinates for the orientation. In ACS there can be even more than six coordinates. If the same position is described in different coordinate systems the values of the coordinates are different. difference between the Reference and Actual Positions

DeltaPos := (MLAxisCmdPos(PipeNetwork.AXI_A1_Axis) - MLAxisReadActPos(PipeNetwork.AXI_A1_Axis));

Determine how far to move

IF DeltaPos > LREAL#0.5*DEF_A1_PosPeriod THEN
   DeltaPos := DeltaPos - DEF_A1_PosPeriod;
   IF DeltaPos < LREAL#-0.5*DEF_A1_PosPeriod THEN
      DeltaPos := DeltaPos + DEF_A1_PosPeriod;
MLAxisReAlign(PipeNetwork.AXI_A1_Axis, 1000.0, 1000.0, 100.0, DeltaPos);
StepCounter := 3;

Wait for move to be completed

IF MLAxisReAlgnRdy(PipeNetwork.AXI_A1_Axis) THEN
   StepCounter := 4;

For the machine:

Step Example Application Code

Execute multi-axis move

              MLMstRun(PipeNetwork.MASTER, 500);